Welcome To The Hope Chest

Providing Aid To Students

The school environment is the first place we send our children to independently acquire the skills they will use to navigate life’s journey. 

Hope Chest will develop

Our founder, Yolanda Baldwin, is well qualified for her position and has proven herself

programs for teachers

a teacher is selected or paired with a sponsor to be sponsored for 1 complete school year.

Our Mission

At the hope chest, we recognize and fully assume our social responsibility as a nonprofit organization

Student Growth

About Us

About the Founder

Our founder, Yolanda Baldwin, is well qualified for her position and has proven herself as a compassionate individual who is dedicated to helping others. As someone who did not have everything they needed growing up, such as meals or supplies for school, Yolanda is devoted to making sure others do not experience similar circumstances. She is a firm advocate in asking for help when it is needed, as it was a principle her parents constantly enforced. She thus believes in taking help when it is offered and being mindful of what or how those acts of kindness help someone when they need it the most.

Upon graduating high school, Yolanda enlisted in the United States Army. The GI Bill she earned enabled her to go to college. Yolanda received a bachelor of science in nursing and her Master's degree in Health administration.

What We Do

Student Program

The Hope Chest will develop and carry out the following programs for students:

School Supplies

Back packs filled with school supplies per the schools


Meal voucher

Predetermined amount of money is provided to a school


Hygiene Supplies

personal hygiene items for good health are provided for


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Hope Chest

Our Vision

Guided by Integrity, Empowerment, Excellence, Community and Good Stewardship, the vision of The Hope Chest is to provide aid to students and teachers who do not have the resources needed for meals or school supplies.

It is our ongoing goal to supply each classroom with the necessary supplies for the teacher and every student, so that the day will come when a teacher instructing them that their child need only show up for class and that all of the supplies will be provided.

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Our agency can only be as strong as our people our team follwing agenhave run their businesses designed

Expert People Matter

We Have Energatic Team For Organization

Yolanda Baldwin

President / CEO

Dedra Johnson



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